A Social dilemma?

Four social media experts discuss the controversial Netflix documentary ‘A social dilemma’, and draw some practical conclusion for using social media well.


Have you seen that documentary, the Social Dilemma? It was originally released on Netflix. Here’s a trailer if you haven’t already seen it. More than 38 million people watched it in the first 28 days after it was released. It led to a shock and horror by many. For others it was confirmation of what they already suspected. I met some who even chose not to watch it because they weren’t prepared to hear what it might have to say.

Of course, the documentary paints one side of the story, and the viewers aren’t able to fact check some of the claims, but I thought there were enough themes to draw out from the documentary to host a conversation at the Stronger conference earlier on this year with a number of content creators.

It was so good to hear their perspectives on the documentary but more importantly about social media generally. I wanted to share some points from our discussion in this article.

Before that though, let me introduce you to the members of the panel discussion:

Olga Thompson: influencer, comedienne, writer, performer
David Adabale: author, pastor, speaker
Hannah Flemming-Hill: digital missioner, content creator
Kane Thompson: creator, pastor, missioner, communicator

Each person brought a unique and fresh perspective, and you can find the whole session here.


1.Show up on social media

Panelists were aware that social media has challenges, that there are significant negative aspects for some who use it, and yet the overriding sentiment from the panelists was a clear vision and passion to show up and be present as salt and light. 

These were some of the comments:

‘Social media can be a wonderful place, but it's also a toxic place. It's really a double-edged sword, but I still believe that it's a place that God wants us to be in’ – Olga Thompson

‘If Jesus were alive today, would he avoid social media? I don't think so…and I think as a Church, we shouldn’t hide away from social media, we should learn and use it in a Spirit led way to engage people’ – David Adabale

‘…I think now is a time that we as the Church, need to use social media, and literally, use social media preach the gospel, like never before…’ – Kane Thompson

2.Learn about social media

The documentary opened up a narrative that wasn’t spoken of or talked about widely before. It caused people to question and dig a bit deeper and get informed about the positives and negatives.

This came out in the discussion with the panelists too and it made me think that just like a missionary would research and learn about the culture they were being sent to, content creators and social media users also have an opportunity to learn about the arena they are showing up in as digital missionaries.

This is what some of the panelists said:

‘…. if you're using technology, you need to know it, and especially for people who have kids, making sure that you're informed…’ – Hannah Flemming-Hill 

‘…we do need to be equipped as people using social media, as Christians we need to understand it…’ – Olga Thompson

3.Be aware of the challenges of social media

As part of the discussion, I wanted to name some of the challenges associated with social media so that we can be aware of them and even see if we can help people guard against them. This is what some of them said:

‘I think identity is a key issue because there is nothing more wonderful than seeing somebody like your video or your picture… those likes can be addictive. Now we were not made to have 10,000 people's opinion of us 24-hours a day seven days a week…so we need to know, as believers that our identity, first and foremost is in Christ, and we need to really nurture that…’ – Olga Thompson

‘We live in a day and age where finding solid truth is hard to find. Because on social media…like, you're only going to see what you want to see…’ – Kane Thompson

‘…one of the things that was clear from the documentary is that our attention is the main product, because advertisers want to put something in front of us to sell to us. These things can act as ‘questionable alternatives’, when really people just need God…I consider this to be one of the big challenges which we as the Church can’t shy away from …so I think we give the alternative… all we need to do is just put it there and let God and the Holy Spirit do the rest…’ – David Adabale

4.Embrace the opportunities that come with social media

We began the discussion aware of the negatives and downsides to Social media, but since a large proportion of the globe are present on social media for hours at a time, there are plentiful opportunities that the Church at large can embrace for the gospel.

These are some of the comments that were shared by the panelists:

‘…social media gives us an opportunity to put something out there that people can consume in a very, very short, simple way on a daily basis…so it makes content very accessible…’ – David Adabale

‘…for me I have enjoyed having the opportunity to meet people and get to know through being online…because hundreds of years ago, people would lean over the fence and go, ‘you're alright, Barbara’, ‘Alright Sharon? Let's have a cup of tea…Now we’re doing the equivalent online…’  – Olga Thompson

‘…I think we should provide a space where we can kind of like, move from reaching people digitally saying, hey, like, you know, would you guys want to meet up, for coffee? Or would you want to, come to my church venue…so moving from discipling digitally to in real life…’ – Kane Thompson


These were just a few snippets from our conversation together, and you can catch up on the whole thing here.

We have an opportunity to learn about social media and know the challenges that come with social media. It is in many ways a toxic place and challenging environment. But it is also an amazing place where connections are made and there are unlimited opportunities for the gospel.

Use your research and reading to inform your prayers and invite God to stir your heart for the opportunities that come with social media. Ask for a fresh boldness to show up on social media, being innocent as doves, but also as wise as serpents (Matt 10.16).

Matt Hogg

Matt Hogg is the founder of Stronger Network as well as a Leadership Enabler at CPAS an anglican mission agency. Prior to this, Matt planted and led a church for 11 years in West London after being on staff and training at HTB. He is passionate about the local church about prayer and evangelism and seeing more of God’s Kingdom in the UK in our generation.


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