New Beginnings

As you head into the last quarter of the year, you maybe all too aware that some goals you set haven’t yet been realised. Here are some things you can do beyond just trying harder.

“Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them.” - Isaiah 42:9 

Before we enter into the last quarter of the year, you may feel like you haven’t accomplished everything you intended to. It’s tempting to feel self-pity or feel that you have to muster all your self-will to make something out of this year. But is this truly the way God desires us to steward our lives? 

Before we move onwards, may I remind you that God’s grace has kept you this far and his grace will keep you as you step into the remainder of this year.

Do we all need some realignment? Yes.

Do some of us need to recommit to the dreams that we have dropped off due to the busyness of life? Yes.

But that doesn’t stop God from working wonders in our lives. 


Glimpses of wonder

If you take an inventory of your life and reflect from January to September, you will be amazed by the glimpses of wonder that you find. God’s grace is like a thread woven between the highs and lows of every season. 

Without looking back with a divine perspective, we can grow discouraged at the apparent lack of progression. Remember that discouragement is the primary weapon that comes to resist what God wants to do in your life. Discouragement is deadly. It can make us give up and grow in unbelief. Once we lack belief, it’s so much harder for God to work in us and through us (see 2 Peter 1:2 & Psalm 95:8-9).

Don’t forget, we serve a God of new beginnings. He wants to start something new in your life, family, business, or ministry. As you look back, allow the glimpses of wonder to inspire your faith, ignite your desperation, and direct your walk as you partner with God to build his dream for your life. 


Fixed on the familiar

Humans are creatures of habit. We like things to meet our need for comfort. This is why God has to speak a new word that will interrupt our plans and help us to perceive that he is doing something new. If we are too fixed on the present, we will have a lower capacity for the new (see Philippians 3:12).

God is dynamic. He is consistent in his character, but he is also in the business of performing wonders. He is forever orchestrating events so that he might be exalted and glorified. What he has done in the past is what we recall, but what he longs to do in the future is what we anticipate. 

So not only do we have to cast off discouragement but we also need to lean on His grace. We have to be willing to hold the familiar with a looser grip. With this posture of heart, we readily make room for God to do new things in our ventures.


Stay in sync

When Abraham had to leave the familiarity of his father's house, he did not know where God was calling him to in detail. He had to stay in sync with God. This meant he had to take time to listen to God and receive daily updates on his journey (see Gen 12:1).

If we are going to partner with God in this new thing, we can’t be complacent in asking God for directions. He has gone before us and has a unique blueprint for us to accomplish his intent. It pleases God when we trust him enough to follow his ways. 

Yes, many have conjured ideas from their intellect, but if you consider yourself a kingdom builder, then you have to understand that God is the King and the master architect—we are investing in eternity when we build according to His will (see Psalm 127:1). 


Closing comments

God is declaring to you now that this is the beginning of something new. Do you not perceive it? (see Isaiah 42:9). I hope these keys have stirred fresh anticipation in your heart. Brush off any discouragement you may feel for not meeting the goals you set at the start of this year. Reflect on the goodness and grace of God already in your life and commit to staying in sync with His Spirit. By this, we believe that God will restore and rebuild your life in amazing ways! 


  • List 5 things God has done this year for you in your life.

  • What does God want you to let go of so you can make room for the new?

  • Write a short prayer asking God for wisdom in 3 areas where you need His clear direction.

Father, we thank you that you are a faithful God. Thank you for how you are working in our lives, even when we fail to recognise it. Forgive us, Lord, and help us recognise your glimpses of grace in our day to day. We surrender and open our hearts for you to move in fresh ways. We partner with your move God and declare “you increase” in every sphere of our influence. May we stay sensitive and in sync with your wisdom. Guide us. Lead us. Mould us. For your kingdom and your glory—In Jesus' Name, Amen. 

Isaac Tendo

Isaac is a dynamic though leader who speaks on a variety of topics including faith, authenticity, and creativity. He is also a proud husband and father, and in his spare time he enjoys making music. You can connect with Isaac via Twitter (@IsaacTendo_); IG (@IsaacTendo); (isaactendo)


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