A new move

Taking a leap into new things can lead to a sense of faith but also trepidation. These practical things will bring encouragement.

Last summer we moved out of London. It was more than a move though. As a vicar, a move is more than shifting stuff to another place

A move for a vicar represents leaving your community, neighbourhood, parish, mission field, workplace, and even, family. You grow to love people and do life with people. 

We lived right next to the church building and across the road from a coffee shop which had previously been a funeral directors. After it became a coffee shop you could sometimes smell the coffee when we opened our windows and hear something of the chatter as locals spent time there connecting with each other, working remotely or enjoying some sunshine.

At the other end of the road was a great edifice of a building. Charing Cross Hospital. We used to have ambulances screaming up and down our road on their way to rescue someone, or on their way back to A&E. We would also regularly have four ambulances parked up outside while the paramedics grabbed a coffee at the end of their shift.

Now, I look out of the window and there are not coffee shops, but fields, with cows. We’re about a five-minute drive from our nearest coffee shop, which is actually a petrol station coffee point. 

It’s a completely different ball game and it represents a new move for my family and I.
And, it’s exciting.
It’s also a little daunting if I’m honest. A little bit unknown and a little bit unfamiliar.

As you may know, any new move comes with both excitement but also a sense of trepidation. Both a vision of something new but also the letting go of something familiar. 

I think there must have been something of both trepidation and faith in the heart of Abraham when he left the familiar and moved forward on the promises of God. Genesis 12 set outs the account:

‘The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you…. So Abram went, as the Lord had told him..’ (Genesis 12.1-4ff).

For many of you, this is a time where you have sensed the Lord asking you to ‘Go’, which may be in a geographical sense, but more likely in a professional sense. You may have discerned God leading you into new things with a project, or job, or new venture.

It maybe with both trepidation and faith that you’re stepping forward. But you find yourself doing it. 

If the stats are to be believed, there are a whole host of people who are moving into new roles with their work.

That’s why over the last couple of years, Stronger Network has sought to provide some encouragement and resource for people as they have in turn sought to uncover those new things that God has been speaking about.

As I’ve gone on my own journey and watched others and have seen some of the things that have landed with people through various conversations, I think these five things might help you practically:

1. Remind yourself why

At some point, after moving into the new thing you’re going to wonder ‘what have I done’, or as you take steps towards the new thing, ‘what am I doing?’. This is part of the process so keep a journal and note down what God has been speaking to you about through the bible or through prophetic encouragement from others. Sometimes we forget, so keep them in one place enabling you to refer back when questions and doubts creep in. 

2. Reflect on how God has worked in the lives of others

There are so many accounts and biographies recording how people have stepped out and trusted God. Refresh your memory on the accounts of those in the bible like Abraham. Be inspired by the way he has used these people in the past and how he might be wanting to use your gifts and talents and unique shape for what he wants to do in our generation. Always as these people stepped out into the unknown, there was the potential for fear but also the opportunity to trust God and to see him breakthrough.

3. Get people to pray for you.

In the survey we put out to those who came along to the Stronger 2022 conference, we asked people if they were part of a local church. 100% of those who responded said they were part of a local church. That’s amazing and there are so many opportunities to get someone to pray for you when you are part of a church community. In addition gather a few close friends that know your story and invite them to pray for you. Either way get some people to cover you in prayer.  I think of the story of Moses with his hands up in the air (Exodus 17), while the Israelites defeated their enemy. It was possible because Aaron and Hur were holding his hands up. It’s a little picture of how God uses a praying community to bring breakthrough. 

4. Connect with others

There will be others we come across who are treading a similar path and who have are learning similar things but in a different sphere or context. Find those people you can be mutually encouraged by. We’ve seen some of that through the Stronger conferences and connections that people are making. There seems to be a peer to peer support, that’s available through Stronger. 

5. Find a mentor

Chances are you’re going to need to connect with someone who has trodden a similar path to you, but years before you. I have benefited so many times from speaking to people who have gone a similar route or tried new things in the past, have got some battle wounds and experience under their belt, but most importantly, experience of God leading them in their life. These people can often pray for us, but also point us in the right direction.

You know, a lot of this is about courage. You will need courage to step into things God is asking you to do. These different practical things will help you find fresh courage just as I have done. God using different practical means to breathe fresh faith and life into us as we respond to his call to ‘Go’.

Matt Hogg

Matt Hogg is the founder of Stronger Network as well as a Leadership Enabler at CPAS an anglican mission agency. Prior to this, Matt planted and led a church for 11 years in West London after being on staff and training at HTB. He is passionate about the local church about prayer and evangelism and seeing more of God’s Kingdom in the UK in our generation.


Pivot, change, move, adjust, adapt


Listening to God, and then doing it