Getting your message out

We all have a message to get out to the world, but is your vehicle up to it? Listen to what this communication expert has to say.


There are a lot of you who have a message to communicate. God has put something on your heart that just can’t stay in. You need to share it with the world. For some, the primary way you’re doing that is through a business, for others, it’s showing up online, or for others it’s just choosing to speak out in a new way.

That’s why we invited to Isaac Tendo to come and speak about ‘Getting Your message out’ at our Stronger 2022 conference, to help us become more effective with sharing our God given story and the thing we think will make an impact in the word around us.

Isaac Tendo is a dynamic thought leader who speaks on a variety of topics including faith, authenticity, and creativity. He is also a proud husband and father, and in his spare time he enjoys making music.

We’ll share the recording of Isaac’s talk in due course where you’ll be able to download even more value, but in the meantime we’re excited to reflect on a few of his points together below. 


Isaac began his talk in the bible with Mark 10.45 which says ‘For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give his life his life as a ransom for many’

Because, he said: 

‘I want to highlight the importance of service. No matter what you do, whether you're in business, whether you're trying to build an online community, service is the principle of the kingdom that we're in.’ 

It was a profound start and an important reminder that no matter who we are, and where God has placed us, he has called us to serve those around us.

That’s profound isn’t it? As a disciple of Jesus, when you took up the invitation to follow Jesus, you took up an invitation to serve those around you. It’s a response to the greatest commandments to love God with all we are and to love our neighbour as ourselves.

Isaac continued with this:

‘So I just really want to drill into everyone, the importance of service, the importance of understanding your people's needs, your community's needs, your audience's need, and finding ways in which you can actually meet that need, with a joyful and faithful heart.’

Isaac developed this further and said:

‘…if you're a person that follows Jesus, your brand is a brand that represents the king you serve. So it's a kingdom personal brand. And I define a kingdom personal brand as the effort to authentically present your personal story, value, and uniqueness, so others can discover God and the abundant life he has called them to.’

I love the idea that personal branding, the way that each of us have the opportunity to communicate our message to the world, can be rolled up into a Kingdom Personal Brand. Have you considered this before? How would it change the way you communicate with the world if you came at personal branding from this perspective? 


No matter how important our message is, or how passionate we are about speaking it and sharing it with the world, we need a vehicle to communicate it effectively. I thought this was an excellent point from Isaac who said this: 

‘Your message is only as effective as your brand, I like to say like this, your brand is the boat in which you carry your message…’

It’s a powerful image. We need a vehicle in which to authentically communicate our story, or message with the world and Isaac suggests here that your branding is the vehicle. 

The truth is of course, that we all have a personal brand, whether we are intentional about it or not. For those who are intentional about their branding will find that their boat sails more effectively (to continue the metaphor). For those who don’t think about their branding intentionally, will find that the boat doesn’t sail as well as they had hoped and the message doesn’t end up in the right place, or lost at sea or shipwrecked even!

Isaac developed the image further and took us back to Mark 1.15-17, where Jesus said to his disciples, ‘follow me, and I'll make you fishers of men.’

He said this:

‘Now, I'm not a fisherman, but I've had some experience in fishing. And every fish has a unique bait (that connects with them). Now your brand is almost like that, because we want to connect with people, and portray excellence… when people come to your website, when people come to your Instagram page, when people come to wherever that first touchpoint is … that's what people are searching for: connection, beauty, meaning fulfilment. So if you find a way to allow that to be seen for your brand, for your messaging, people, your audience will be attracted to that.’

A lot stood out to me from that, but one thing especially, ‘People are searching for connection, beauty, meaning and fulfilment’. This drives home to the heart of what we’re about as followers of Jesus. We hold out an invitation to the world to come follow Jesus, to find life in all it’s fullness. 

If you are a Christian business owner, influencer, communicator, storyteller, preacher, filmmaker, or whatever it is, you have the opportunity to connect with people on lots of levels, but undergirding all of that will be an opportunity to connect with people on the most important level of all.

There was much more from Isaac’s talk which you can connect with in due course, but hopefully this gives you a bit of a taste of what’s to come and provides some value for you in the meantime.

Matt Hogg

Matt Hogg is the founder of Stronger Network as well as a Leadership Enabler at CPAS an anglican mission agency. Prior to this, Matt planted and led a church for 11 years in West London after being on staff and training at HTB. He is passionate about the local church about prayer and evangelism and seeing more of God’s Kingdom in the UK in our generation.


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